An Introduction to Qigong 

Written by Isshaela Ingham

Happy New Year from Clearstream Integrative Medicine. We would love to support you in the year ahead by answering your questions about best health practices and by introducing or encouraging learning more about the overall benefits of qigong exercise and nutrition. The following is a brief introduction, a focus on the winter season and resources that we hope will be helpful:

An Introduction to Qigong 

Qigong (pronounced "chee-gong") is an ancient Chinese practice that combines physical movements, breathing techniques, and meditation to improve physical and mental well-being. It has been used for centuries as a form of traditional Chinese medicine and is now gaining popularity around the world as a gentle yet effective way to reduce stress, improve flexibility and balance, and enhance overall health and vitality.

There are many different styles of qigong, ranging from slow and gentle movements to more vigorous and dynamic practices. Some styles focus on the cultivation of internal energy (qi), while others focus on physical strength and flexibility. No matter the style, qigong is a holistic practice that can benefit people of all ages and fitness levels.

One of the great things about qigong is that it can be practiced almost anywhere and does not require any special equipment. All you need is a comfortable space and comfortable clothing. Some people even practice qigong in their office or while traveling. It helps with jet lag!

If you are new to qigong, it is important to start slowly and listen to your body. It is also a good idea to find a qualified instructor who can guide you through the proper movements and techniques. With regular practice, you will soon experience the many benefits of this gentle and nurturing practice.

There are many websites and YouTube channels that offer qigong videos for free or for a fee. Here are a few options to get you started:

  1. The Qigong Institute: This website offers a wide range of qigong videos and resources, including instructional videos and recorded lectures by leading qigong experts.

  2. YouTube: There are many qigong videos available on YouTube, ranging from short tutorials to longer practices. Some popular channels to check out include the Qigong Energy Healing channel and the Qigong with Me channel. Yoqi also is a good source of mild qigong and yoga movements. White Tiger Qigong has short videos from practitioners around the world.

  3. Qigong for Health: This website offers a variety of qigong videos, including instructional videos, guided practices, and video courses.

  4. Tai Chi Productions: This company offers a variety of qigong and tai chi videos, including instructional videos and recorded classes.

It is important to note that while it is possible to learn qigong from videos, it is best to also seek out the guidance of a qualified instructor, especially when starting out. This will ensure that you are practicing the techniques correctly and safely.


In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the seasons can have an effect on our qi, or vital energy. During the winter months, it is thought that the body's qi naturally sinks down and inward, and that certain qigong exercises can help to support and nourish the body during this time.

Here are a few qigong exercises that may be particularly beneficial during the winter season:

  1. Eight Pieces of Brocade: This is a classic qigong set that is believed to strengthen the body and improve circulation. It consists of eight gentle, flowing movements that can be done standing or sitting.

  2. Five Animals: This qigong set is inspired by the movements of the bear, deer, monkey, bird, and tiger. It is believed to improve flexibility and strengthen the body.

  3. Wudang Five Animals: This qigong set is similar to the Five Animals set, but with a focus on internal cultivation. It is believed to improve internal energy flow and promote relaxation.

  4. Tai Chi: Tai chi is a gentle martial art that is often practiced as a form of qigong. It involves slow, flowing movements that are believed to improve balance, flexibility, and relaxation.

It is important to note that these are general recommendations and that the best qigong exercises for you will depend on your individual needs and abilities. It is always a good idea to consult with a qualified qigong instructor or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.

Winter Nutrition According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the foods we eat have the potential to influence our qi, or vital energy. During the winter months, since the body's qi naturally goes down and inward, certain foods can help to support and nourish the body during this time.

Here are a few qigong nutrition recommendations for the winter season:

  1. Root vegetables: Root vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and beets, are believed to be nourishing and grounding, making them a good choice during the winter months.

  2. Warm, cooked foods: It is generally recommended to eat warm, cooked foods during the winter, as they can help to warm the body and support digestion.

  3. Soups and stews: Soups and stews are a great way to get a variety of nutrients in one dish and are particularly nourishing during the winter months.

  4. Warm drinks: Warm drinks, such as tea and hot water with lemon, can help to keep the body hydrated and warm.

  5. Spices: Spices, such as ginger and cinnamon, are believed to have warming properties and can help to support the body during the colder months.

It is important to note that these are general recommendations and that everyone's nutritional needs are unique. It is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to determine the best nutrition plan for your individual needs.

We hope this helps to encourage your health awareness and healthy practices. We will be providing more qigong education throughout the year and change of seasons. Please let us know your questions and we will be glad to answer your questions in our upcoming blogs.